Ergonomic Assessment and Evaluation Services:

For the last 25 years I provided and continue to provide ergonomic services to Pacific Gas and Electric Company (CA – SF corporate headquarters) either as a direct vendor or a sub-contractor.  During this time I've traveled throughout Humboldt, Mendocino and Sonoma Counties providing office workstation assessments. Over the years,   PG&E has standardized their ergonomic program within their large geographical area to have utilize global or corporate ergonomic service clearinghouses. I've been fortunate enough to work with these large firms as a sub-contractor to continue serving local Pacific Gas & Electric employees for their ergonomic needs.  Currently, I provide Office Ergonomic Services for PG&E in Humboldt County as a sub-contractor for PRN.  I am also on-board as a provider through Briotix to provide On-site pro-active injury prevention services to the local physical crews of PG&E.

Special Key-note Speaking Engagements:

PG&E Safety Kick-Offs has been a blast over the last 20 years! I've presented my Strain Sprain Tool Box Workshop throughout the entire PG&E system. My largest group presentation was in downtown San Francisco in the PG&E Corporate auditorium with 300 employees!  I've taken this program to Morro Bay Power Plant, Humboldt Bay Power Plant, and Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power, among others. In addition, many “intensive” Strain/Sprain Toolbox workshops (my own program) were given to individual employee groups throughout northern California. (For ex: an 8 hour training intensive would consist of a 2 hour Back Safety/ Ergo Basics clinic, group target task selection (the group picks 5 – 7 tasks to analyze/improve), detailed JSA of the tasks using verbal/written descriptions, physical direct observation, video task observation, brainstorming of control factors, prioritization of control factors, and assigned responsibility for implementation of control factors.) This program was offered for gas and electric crews scattered throughout the Central Valley and Bay Areas of California. I also designed a fitness par course for Humboldt Bay Power Plant in 2006..

Comprehensive Ergonomics Program:

Geysers Power Generation Plant (PG&E – Lake County, CA)  hired me to design and implemented a two-year comprehensive Ergonomics Intervention 1994-1996. Over a 24 month period I worked three to ten days per month on-site with safety and risk assessment personnel. The program consisted of 1) thorough records review and identification of high risk jobs (tasks – classifications/ duties/ descriptions),  2) supervisor and employee training: All power plant employees (riggers, welders, operators, clerical, mechanics, maintenance, supervisors, management and administration, etc. participated in an extensive education curriculum of ergonomic risk factor identification, control methods, and body/wellness education. Supervisors and key safety leads attended additional training in Ergonomic JSA and review. Tasks were examined, prioritized, video-taped, and analyzed. Engineering, administrative, and work practice controls were set into place.

Ergonomics Training Manual for All Power Generation Facilities:

Geysers Management was satisfied with the reduction in ergonomic injuries (earlier detection and reporting, decreased severity and cost containment) and the improved morale of the entire facility. I was asked to “package” the program in the form of a set of materials that other Power Generation facilities within the PG&E system could use to implement a similar program. This was the birth of the Industrial Wellness Ergonomics Training Program – which was purchased for use by PG&E, while I remained owner. The manual consists of workshop scripts for Ergonomic Basics, Task Analysis, Back Safety, and Train the Trainer, forms, participant handouts, visual aids (overheads!  The old days!)  and step-by-step boiler plate on how to conduct the program. (Shortly after the conclusion of this program, I took a maternity leave, and eventually the Geysers Power Plant was purchased by Duke Power.) The Industrial Wellness Ergonomics Manual is a product that I continue to update and provide portions of to my current clients as we implement programs. I customize components of the program manual frequently and provide custom training materials to new clients.